Oct 18, 2011

simple pleasures

Creativity to the rescue.

A few weeks ago, in a spontaneous moment, I started a game with my 9 year old friend.  I am staying with her and her Mom while I am temporarily ousted from my home. (Nice friends eh!?)

With a number of women in this household an abundance of toilet paper rolls and tissue boxes tends to accumulate. I decided to do a spontaneous sculpture one day with these items. A few days later my young friend re-arranged things to create her own work of art. And we've been playing back and forth ever since.

Here is today's creation. I almost used tape and decided that nope, the idea was to be able to simply use the materials that were present. It was fun to see where my imagination went by honouring that boundary. 

Simple pleasures like these helps to remind me that there is more to life than renovations. I can feel the chaos fade to background.

Thank goodness for 9 year olds to remind and inspire me!

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